Since lockdown every Sunday Kerryanne Clancy (Real-ease Massage Therapy & Treatments) has been on Facebook Live discussing common injuries, aches and pains and how to self treat during lockdown.

Kerryanne is a good friend of mine and I have been going to Kerryanne roughly every month for over 10 years – Kerryanne has a wealth of experience in Holistic and complementary treatment based in Newcastle-Under-Lyme and offers Sports,Indian Head & Hot Stone Massage, Reflexology, Acupuncture & the revolutionary Rossiter Workout.

Today Sunday 7/6 I will be joining Kerryanne @ 4:30pm and looking at the causes of lower back pain and how simple yoga stretches can help with recovery and prevention.

Grab a space, a mat and a cushion and join to see what a difference it can make to your back! VisitΒ

No yoga experience required.

If you visit Kerryanne’s page or my facebook page I have shared every week so you can catch up on any of Kerryanne’s great sessions